Dome3D Projects.
From award winning fulldome content, immersive virtual tours, corporate web videos and more, Dome3D has worked with numerous clients to produce content for various meduims. Here are some of the highlights.
Adaptive Biotech Animation. Dome3D produced animations for five online web videos which takes the complex science behind Adaptive's work, and provides an easy to understand overview of their process.
Skydive Chicago Virtual Tour. SDC contracted Dome3D to produce an online virtual tour of their facilities. This in depth tour allows prospective skydivers the opportunity to tour the grounds, hangar, plane and various facilites availalbe to jumpers and campers.
SecondCity. This is our multi award winning time lapse short. Produced for the 2008 fulldome festival, Dome Fest, it has traveled the globe as one of the first examples of destination cinema for the dome.
United Center. Working with Aura Technologies, Dome3D created content for the Chicago Blackhawks' and Chicago Bulls' pregrame show. Using high powered lasers, wireframe models are drawn on the arena floor prior to each game. Dome3D also provided RED ONE videography for each team which was used in prototyped player tracking application.